華協訊: 本會好友及多年理事義工Yvonne 李女兒Michille 於八月八日成婚, 當天風和日麗尤其婚禮所在地 San Pedro海軍基地依山傍海景色迷人. 在數十位華協朋友及百位親朋見證下婚禮溫馨感人. 在此獻上我們誠摯的祝福, 願新人百年好合早生貴子.
Pearl Chen
It was indeed a beautiful wedding. Both my daughter and I had a great time. P.S. I like both of your elegant evening gowns, Yvonne!
Philip Tsang & Polly Ho
We had a wonderful time at the wedding. Thanks for inviting us and we want to send our best wishes to Michelle and her husband.