29年 來亞凱迪亞華人協會一直對市政府、警察局、消防局、圖書館、學區、教育基金會、紅十字會、博物館、美以美醫院等機構提供捐款,並且一直是高中家長會、音樂 協會、體育協會、獅子會、童軍團等社團的贊助者。每年舉辦各種形式的義工活動,例如招待市政府所有員工午餐,和市政府合辦免費法律諮詢日,招待社區內年長 者春節聚餐,萬聖節發放糖果給小朋友,春節又舉辦華人慶新年活動,以發揚傳播華人文化。凡此種種努力使亞市華協成為社區中被廣為稱頌的重要社團,也是華裔 與非華裔間的重要橋樑,對全社區的貢獻是有目共睹的。
這是一非商業, 非宗教, 非政治,據加利福尼亞Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation 法律成立的社區義工 501c(3)組織.
(a) 在Arcadia社區範圍內, 促進社區的和諧和縮小文化差距
(b) 協助華人居民瞭解美國文化,傳統,政府,學校,社區… 特別是鼓勵華人居民參與社區義工活動
(c) 通過活動促進非華人對華人文化、歷史、語言、文學和藝術的瞭解;
(d) 支持Arcadia社區教育, 慈善和文藝…活動
(e) 對Arcadia有卓越成就和貢獻的居民提供獎學金和褒獎
The Arcadia Chinese Association, a nonprofit organization since 1982, has dedicated its services and support to an array of different programs, service departments, and organizations within its community. It has supported and funded the Arcadia city, police department, fire department, library, arboretum, school district, Arcadia Education Foundation, Red Cross, Methodist Hospital , Arcadia High School Chinese Parents Booster Club, Arcadia Music Club, Athletic Booster Club, Lion Club and Boys Scouts. It has also sponsored events every year, such as the City Employee Luncheon, Law Day, Senior Citizen Party, and Chinese New Year Activity. On Halloween Day, members of the association also participated in giving candies to the children at the Santa Anita Westfield Mall. Its mission is to help the community better understand and give respect for cultural diversity, in hopes of promoting community development and peace.
The Arcadia Chinese Association is a nonpolitical and nonreligious organization. It is a registered 501c(3) organization, recognized as the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.
Our Mission is to:
(a) Seek peace and minimize racism, cultural biases, and racial segregation;
(b) Assist the Chinese immigrants to assimilate into the American culture and tradition through our sponsored events; promote volunteerism to Chinese residents in the community;
(c) Involve the non-Chinese communities in Chinese cultural events in hopes that they will better understand and respect the Chinese culture and tradition;
(d) Support Arcadia education, community fundraising and social/cultural events; and
(e) Encourage community involvement with honors and scholarships.
2009- 2010 Pearl Chen /Polly Ho 陳珍珠/何雪紅
2008-2009 Sho Tay 戴守真
2007-2008 Alice Wang 王淑卿
2005 – 2007 David Lee 李太衛
2004 – 2005 Monika Yeh 葉蕙心
2003 – 2004 Bee Hsu 朱碧雲
2002 – 2003 David Wang 王懋祥
2001 – 2002 Sherry Wang 王程曉穎
1999 – 2001 Kay Tseng 曾張恭莠
1998 – 1999 S.H. Wen 文少華
1996 – 1998 Theresa Hwang 黃嚴曦平
1994 – 1996 Alice Wu 吳祝愛娟
1992 – 1994 S.H. Wen 文少華
1991 – 1992 Teresa Hsu 徐趙靜懿
1990 – 1991 Jimmy Au 區應鍾
Prior to 1990 Shing C Chang 張勝雄