ACA 2012-2014新任會長 盧台英
台英接下這個會長的神聖任務,將秉持著以往三十年來華協的優良典範,繼續為社區的義工活動努力以赴,讓每一個活動都能進行的順暢,歡樂,和諧,透過合作活動,提供一個族裔互相交流溝通的平台.華協今年度籌款晚會, 將於11月10日舉行一個30週年的盛大慶典, 邀請您前來和我們一齊慶祝. 也期望各位朋友的支持與鼓勵,來積極參與華協的義工行列,讓我們共同建造一個多元文化的亞凱迪亞美麗社區.
Josephine Louie (2011-2012)
Installation Ceremony
當我們跨入協會新的一年,希望你也和我一樣的興奮。 我們的使命仍然相同,提倡中華文化,促進社區義工服務,支援亞凱迪亞教育和提供獎學金,慈善活動‧‧‧ 等等。此外,今年我們大力推展商家服務,著重培養居民的公民責任, 我們將透過舉辦各種不同的研討會,促進義工的服務技巧和專業知識。我們將追求更高標準的商業服務,增進成員之間的互動和友情。無論何時何地,我們將繼續依需要來服務社區。
義工是一種服務的精神,作為一個群體,我們可以結合大家的想法和資源為共同的理念而努力, 一位作家曾經說過, 這個世界的目的不是『獲取和擁有』而是『付出和服務』。『己所欲者,施之於人』是人生的金科玉律,這也是華人協會今年的主軸『 義工精神─ 捨與得』。
謝謝您們,華協理事團隊,顧問, 贊助人,義工和朋友們!
讓我們同心協力使 2011-2012再次是傑出和成功的一年 !
Pearl Chen President 2010-1011
Ladies, Gentlemen and our Distinguished Guests,
I’d like to welcome and thank each one of you again for joining us at this event tonight and make this evening possible! Thank you!
You all deserve a round of applause because all of you have made significant contributions to promote our beautiful city by gathering here tonight. An event like this provides a great opportunity for us to get acquainted with each other and understand our areas of expertise even more.
It is my privilege to be the incoming President of the Arcadia Chinese Association for the 2009 to 2010 term. For the past 20-30 years, the Arcadia Chinese Association has endlessly committed to the Arcadia Chinese American Community by supporting our City, as well as many non-profit organizations and we will continue to serve our beautiful community.
This year’s theme is “volunteering in our community” and our goal is to have people enjoy volunteering in our great community. Even though this year will be quite challenging because of the overall slow economy, our goal is to raise more money at our October 3rd fundraising dinner event so that we can give more back to the community we all love. But I promise you that we, at ACA, will do our best to continue volunteering. Please take a moment to review the list of all the events we attended in the term of 2008 and 2009.
Many of you have known Polly Ho for a long time. She has put a lot of time and efforts in our Association over the past years. Here’s a good example to show you that she always does things very seriously: both she and her husband Philip designed and put together for us such a marvelous decoration for our last Christmas Fundraising Party. Polly is not afraid to share her passions with us. I’m very fortunate to have Polly Ho as the Chairperson of the Board this year. I promise that we will work closely together.
I’ve been working as a realtor for twenty years. That is my daytime job. As far as my community job, I have been a director of the Arcadia Chinese Association for about 5-6 years and I’ve been enjoying the many friendships that it’s given me ever since.
It’s truly an honor to have this opportunity of working with you all and I promise that we, at ACA, will continue to promote communication, understanding, respect and appreciation among all ethnic groups in Arcadia.
You have made an impact and difference within our great community. Thanks very much again.
I hope that you will enjoy this evening!
Dear Friend of ACA,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on behalf of Arcadia Chinese Association. I’m extremely grateful and honored to have this opportunity to serve as Arcadia Chinese Association Chairperson.
I have been involved with ACA for the last 7 years with my husband and have been fortunate to witness the transformation of ACA. With our former presidents’ strong leadership, Board of Directors’ collaborative effort and volunteers’ relentless dedication and contribution, ACA has been able to carry out a rich history of serving the needs of Arcadia community.
The following poem, written by Rabindranath Tagore, echoes the sentiments of the spirit of volunteerism:
I slept and dreamt life was joy.
I woke and found that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
It is true that service and joy commingle. I see this as both serious duty and at the same time a great joy. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to our volunteers for their continued participation and support.
I am eager to join the Directors in this joyful duty for the coming year. ACA is fortunate in having Pearl Chen’s dynamic leadership and vision. We look forward to continue volunteering in this beautiful community.
Polly Ho Chairperson of the Board
Alice Wang 會 長 的 話(2007-2008)
我們亞凱迪亞美麗而安適的社區,是多少志工辛苦數十年來努力的成果。我們都知道每一個義工社團都有它獨特的使命,幫助社區的每一個角落。醫院、警察局、紅十字會、圖書館、市活動中心、長青會、市博物館、植物園及每個學校家長會…… 我們共有二十多個志工團體。有的甚至35年以上,大都是主流人士在維持運轉,而他們多數已年邁或遷徙他城而人數更是在驟減中。
由於地理環境,亞市是移民者首選,近年來我們華人已成為半數以上的居民。若我們華人居民未能盡力遞補正在銳減中的龐大義工人數,我們的城市將會有非常不同的局面。所以鼓勵華人加入亞市義工的行列,華人協會成了一個非常重要的組織。雖然華協有40多位理事,泰半仍是上班人士,能發揮的力量有限。今年9月 參加了亞市高中華裔家長會大會,被眾多的義工感動,比起多年前的我們他們真是青出於藍、有過之而無不及。想到這些義工家長在小孩高中畢業後能繼續社區的義 工行列,將會是渡過空巢期最好的方法。希望已參加其他義工社團的畢業家長能成為華人義工銀行的一粒種子,讓華協將你參加的社團工作項目及資格列入華協義工 網站內,吸收更多的華人加入我們的服務陣容。
李 太 衛 President (2005-2007)
20年匆匆而過,回首來時路,汗水、淚水交織,五味雜陳,豈是一言可以道盡。記得一次走在路上,突然從急馳而過的車窗裡丟出一個酒瓶,砸在身邊,耳中聽到有人大吼「Go Home, Go Back to Your Country」,心中的羞辱感至今仍舊苦澀。二個月前朋友18歲的孩子也被同樣的言語羞辱,深感「給孩子更好的未來」是一個沒有實現的夢,也知道自己的責任未了。除了給子女受教育外,我們更要在社區裡努力耕耘,為自己的兒女創造優質的環境,讓他們能安心發揮潛能開花結果,不再遭受無理對待。